I'm an eccentric guy who loves art with all his heart. I hope you enjoy my works! Remember: Stay cool, and keep it weird!
Feel free to message me if you would ever want to say hello and chat!

Brody Henson @TheBestBroster

Age 20, Male

Being a Weirdo


Florida, USA

Joined on 9/4/23

Exp Points:
5,132 / 5,380
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.38 votes
Art Scouts
Police Officer
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
2m 30d

TheBestBroster's News

Posted by TheBestBroster - June 1st, 2024

Hi! I'm not gonna do the news posts of the monthly recaps like I did before because it was a little too mechanical in my eyes.

Anyways, May of 2024 was really good for me! I had fun drawing and stuff! I am so happy that my Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door mural got frontpaged! Thank you so much for whoever is responsible for that, it made me very happy! I feel like I am myself. I have got my life and myself figured out to some degree. Not all the way though, as I am still pretty young, and still am going to have many years of learning and growing ahead of me.

But yeah, I am very happy with May of 2024! I am a better artist than I have ever been, I feel smarter than I have ever been, and I sincerely feel like I will come to great success in the future. I am trying my hardest at my artwork, and I know I will become something great. Because I believe that I am a really cool guy! And you are cool too. You just need to believe that you are beautiful. Because you are. Give yourself a hug right now. But yeah, on top of that other stuff, I am working out again, and I feel pretty good about myself because of that! I've only worked out for the past week or so, but I hope to be able to keep that up because I feel so proud of myself.

Anyways, that has been my month of May of 2024! I hope I have a good June, and you too!

You have a great month I wish you love and peace!



Posted by TheBestBroster - May 13th, 2024

Hello to everyone on Newgrounds! I have had a strange, depressing day today. And I am experiencing feelings that make me want to share important things with everyone I can.

Be kind no matter what. I know that is a rather simple statement that we have all heard since the time when we were small children, but in the simplicity is emphasis. The only way I could possibly make the message any clearer is if I screamed it directly into your ear.

Life is hard enough without hatred. There is no room for that in this world or in our hearts and minds. We cling to hate because in the short term, it makes us feel good. It makes us think that we're of better moral character than others when we may not be. It makes us believe that our differences are to be admonished. It makes us think that hurting others is justified because we don't understand them. It makes us think that treating ourselves poorly is a good thing because we are delusioned enough to believe that we are not worth other peoples time or love. It makes us think that we should not give to those who are less fortunate because we have been taught that they deserve to go to bed on an empty stomach.

Hatred over time, begins to rot the mind, the heart, and our whole world from the inside out. The world around us feeds off of our hatred in the form of the twenty-four hour news cycle, advertising, politics, the military-industrial complex, the fast food-pharmaceutical-industrial complex, and more things that I can't think of at the moment.

The good news though, is that love is a choice. You can choose to love instead of hate. All you need to do is walk away from hate. Mind you, it is not easy, but it is damn well possible. People like to say that love alone can't save lives or provide any services, but it can. Love is action for the cause of happiness.

Love is the strength to admit that you were being an asshole and apologize. Love is the celebration and admiration of our differences. Love is choosing not to fire a bullet or insult someone when you know deep down that it will not solve any of our problems. Love is choosing to drink a glass of water over a can of soda because you know that you are worth love just as others are. Love is giving that homeless guy some money so he can buy a sandwich, or giving a struggling single mother you know some help around the house. Love is listening to, and taking seriously, a mentally ill person talk about why they feel the way they do, and trying to understand them. And taking them seriously even if you don't understand them. Love is adopting an old animal from a shelter to give them unconditional warmth and comfort in their final years of life.

Not a single one of us chose to be alive. That alone is reason enough to spread only compassion and kindness for one another (that includes animals).

If you read that all, you're a real G., and I thank you.

Never-ending love and peace to you all!


Posted by TheBestBroster - April 4th, 2024

March 2024 Recap:

Man, this month has been pretty boring for the most part. I thought about it, and I've come to the conclusion that I thoroughly burned myself out in January, and getting myself to draw and animate again was a major pain in the ass for a long while.

One thing though, is I did make a let's play of Super Castlevania IV that I think turned out pretty well!

Yeah, I haven't really done much during this last month, and I think that's fairly evident due to the fact that I have not posted much through March. I also did not work on any animation for Zelduh II, either.

April 2024 Plans:

So far during this first week of April, I have been fairly productive artistically! I have been working on the Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door mural quite a bit! I am quite proud of that, so hopefully by the end of the month that can get posted.

I think that burnout has finally run it's course, and I am actively trying to achieve more of a balance between time spent working on things I'd wanna post on the internet and support myself with, and unstructured free time. I just want to avoid another mildly depressing burnout period. If anyone needs to hear this, letting yourself relax really does increase your overall enjoyment of life and productivity in the long run.

For the Zelda parody, I do plan to work on it more this month, but I can't give any guarantees on when it will be finished or released. But know that I will work on it.

And of course, I will continue to work on sprite art as part of the Newgrounds: Zero Hour team.

I still need to do my collab entry for the Earth Day Collab, and I wanna make another submission or two for The Space Collab.

Basically, I plan to be a lot more productive and active this month than I have been over the past few weeks. I'm glad I've got things figured out and structured a bit more!

Art Updates:

Paper Mario Mural Teasers:




Another random piece of art I've worked on a bit:


As always, keep an eye out for some awesome shit, internet! And I really mean that this month as I've got things more balanced and figured out in general.

Thank you for reading, and have a nice day!



Posted by TheBestBroster - February 29th, 2024

February 2024 Recap:

This month was alright. Not amazing, but certainly not bad by any means. It just went by very slowly, and it was a tad depressing for some reason. I wish I could put my finger on exactly why, but oh well. We got some new windows at my house, and I have mine open all the time. It is very nice having some fresh cool air coming in. It has definitely helped my allergies quite a bit!

Since I got the Cymbalta dosage increased, I have totally noticed it's effects optimize. My work ethic in regards to artwork has become much better, and I'm spending more time doing what I actually enjoy instead of just lazily watching stuff on YouTube or whatever. So mental health-wise, things are looking fairly nice!

For the Zelda II parody animation, I haven't worked nearly as much on that as I planned to at the beginning of the month. Though progress has still been made! I have re-recorded most of the dialogue and it is much better now, even though I'm not exactly a top-notch voice actor. And I am currently in the process of actually animating it. I have a couple small scenes done. I still have a long way to go, but It's definitely getting done.

The artwork and collab stuff I did was pretty fun! I was a part of the Stick Figure Collab, and I have submitted my entry for the R.I.P. General Collab. If you'd like, you can still enter the collab! The submission deadline is March 15th. I also recorded dialogue for another animation today. It's an old idea I've had written down in notepad for quite a long time, and I finally began to create it in some form.

One last thing that ended this month on a pretty good note was being accepted into the dev team for Newgrounds: Zero Hour! I'm pretty pumped to actually have my artwork and ideas in a game and to work with other people on a game! I am totally looking forward to it!

March 2024 Plans:

Nothing much to read here. I will be working on the Zelda II animation, doing some work for Newgrounds: Zero Hour, and I will soon begin work on a new banner image for my profile, and on my submission for the Earth Day Collab. Also I haven't worked on the Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door mural in a while, and since the remake is coming out somewhat soon, I want to get to finishing that.

I'd also like to get back to making video game playthroughs, but on a new channel, because of inconsistent and poor quality. I'm sure it will be a nice month!

Art Updates:

My most recent art submission:

Work in progress of a Kirby and the Amazing Mirror fanart:


A scene of the Zelda II parody currently being inked and colored:


New additions to the Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door mural:

iu_1169009_18759072.png iu_1169010_18759072.png

Keep your eyes peeled yet again, because I'm working on some bomb ass shit!

Thank you for reading, have a nice day!



Posted by TheBestBroster - February 2nd, 2024

Hello! I think since it is the end of the month and I have recently completed some things that I will have an update post. I may do this at the end of every month from now on. Sounds like a cool idea! I like being able to look back and read about what I was doing at a random point in time.

January 2024 Recap:

Wasn't bad! I began it on a pretty good note post-psychedelic trip. Also, as I posted in my previous update, I have figured out that my plan for my life is to just dedicate all of my time and energy to my artistic projects and working on my artistic skills. From there I can make a living and support myself and all that good stuff.

Since the beginning of the month, I have been taking Cymbalta, and I've been feeling better somewhat! And even better good news is that as of now, my dosage was risen to achieve more optimal effects. Feeling pretty good about that.

I've been watching a load of Vinesauce over the past week or so. As was also in my previous update, I caught Covid. It is gone now, by the way. But Vinny got me into yet another Castlevania phase. Jesus I love Castlevania!

As far as art and Newgrounds shit goes, I've had a pretty good month. I've liked what I've drawn this past month for the most part, which hasn't happened in a while. I also had some fun doing some pixel art for the Newgrounds Office Depths Pixel Collab. I also completed my entry for the Newgrounds Valentine's Day Art Collab. I also completed backgrounds for my Zelda II parody animation. Those were an absolute slog to get through. I also have come up with lots of ideas for future animations and artworks. It is also very cool that my following experienced such a surge this month. I really appreciate that so much! I hope February has more of that in store.

February 2024 Plans:

My plans aren't much at the moment. Just plans relating to art projects basically. I have completed getting the audio together for the Zelda animation, so I will spend this month, and most likely a fair portion of March animating it. I am pretty excited to see this project come to fruition!

I hope I complete the animation sooner than later, and when I do, I'd like to get started on another one right away. Probably an animated parody of Duck Hunt, or a random original idea I have written down in my list I have on Notepad.

There will also be plenty of drawings and whatnot too! I have plans to draw a succubus and Nathan Graves from Castlevania: Circle of the Moon, a portrait of Lady Rhea from Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and a picture of Olive Ocean from Kirby and the Amazing Mirror. I also wanna complete the Family Guy drawing I teased in my last post.

For collabs, the Valentine's one will go up in a couple weeks from now. And I am trying to think of an idea for the R.I.P. General Collab.

I do also want to work on more original content too. More original characters and concept art and stuff like that.

Not only do I want to do more art stuff, but I want to resume Let's Playing. I made some videos sparsely last year, but I still have unfinished walkthroughs of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, and Kirby's Dream Land 2 and I want to finish those. I'd also like to start a few more new walkthroughs. Probably of some Castlevania, Zelda, or Kirby Games. Possibly a Grand Theft Auto Game if I'm feeling ambitious. Doing this routinely is important to the plan I have for life because sustaining myself on art and animations alone may not be enough, and I enjoy making walkthroughs of video games. Also, this time around, I want to keep the quality consistent, and not have any super quiet, crappy commentary.

Over all, February will be a nice month, with plenty of new cool stuff from me! Keep your eyes peeled, haha!

Thank you for reading, have a nice day!


Posted by TheBestBroster - January 25th, 2024

So, looks like I'm in the triple digits now! Pretty sweet thing to wake up to (at 1 in the afternoon)! Thanks to all of you for checking out my stuff! Seems like this year really will be a good one for me after all. I certainly hope February and the months following will be as good as January!

January has not only been a good one for my Newgrounds presence, but personally as well. I've finally figured out a vision for my life. I've finally got a plan. I'll just play into my strengths and dedicate all of my time to arts and make it work from there. It's the only thing I'm really good at, so I consider art a gift to my life. On top of that, I'm taking an antidepressant now, and it is helping quite a bit! Also, as of a couple days ago, I have Covid again. It's nothing, I've just had some drowsiness and a stuffy nose. I don't care though, I'm still drawing like usual. Fuck Covid. Also yesterday I just chilled out and beat Castlevania: Circle of the Moon in one sitting. It was a ton of fun, I love that game!

Also, here's what I've been working on:

More Zelda 2 animation progress:



As far as this animation goes, January has just been spent making backgrounds. I'm nearly done thankfully because I'm not too big a fan of doing them. Then I can finally get to arranging the dialogue in Audacity, then I can finally get to the animation proper. I'll probably spend February and most likely a large section of March doing that.

Other random things I'm drawing:




I'm still working on the Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door mural, and I've recently started the Family Guy drawing above. I've found a new technique of sketching, where I map out the values exactly, then I color. I think it helps a lot because I have such a difficult time picturing lighting and colors in my head.

Also, I'll start work on my entry for the Newgrounds Valentine's Day Art Collab soon. Probably sometime later today after I eat. Check out the collab, there's lots of good art in there!

Well, to end this post, thank you all again for the follows and feedback! There will definitely be lots of awesome stuff coming out from me in the future! Have a nice day!



Posted by TheBestBroster - January 7th, 2024

Just wanted to make a quick news post thanking whoever's responsible for putting my artwork on the Front Page! That was such a nice surprise to wake up to! I was skimming the front page, and I scrolled back up and was like 'wait a minute...', so I scrolled back down and there it was!

I'm very thankful that this site is such a good community for artists, and again that my art was put right up on the Front Page!

Also, while I'm posting this news to the Front Page, I may as well tease some works in progress!

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door drawing:



Zelda 2 Parody animation:



Good day to you, Newgroundsers!


Posted by TheBestBroster - January 1st, 2024

It's 3:55am, January 1st 2024. Wow! 2023 is over! New year, new resolutions, new epiphany, new outlook on life. I am turning things around this year officially. I have a genuinely warm feeling about this year. I know exactly what I have to do to get this life how I want it. I have seen where I would end up if I just kept living the life that I have been living the past several years. I'll pick myself back up. This day onward is a new era.

This year is going to be prosperous for me. I will get a life together, finally. And you'll see me and my art firing at all cylinders. Here's some stuff I've been up to, to tease you for what's to come this year.

Zelda 2 animation I'm working on:





More work on the formerly teased Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door drawing:


Study of beef stew:


I also have a bunch of other ideas for things I have written down that I haven't even started yet.

I thank you for all the support I've got in my first 4 months. Thanks to Newgrounds I have the best place possible to share art and animations across the world. I'm gonna make it big this year, I know it. This website will be seeing a lot of me, and I'll be seeing a lot of you. I'll be posting art and movies like you wouldn't believe, and I will open commissions sometime in the somewhat-near future. I ain't fuckin around no more.

Get excited, internet.

Happy new years, I hope you're feeling as bright about it as I am! :)



Posted by TheBestBroster - December 28th, 2023

Hi whoever is reading this, this is TheBestBroster's 2023 in review.

First of all, isn't it kind of crazy that all of our own individual experiences of years all are a part of the same year? Someone else's 2023 and my own could be completely different individually, but they are both the same year. I don't know, that thought just popped into my head as I started writing this because I thought it sounded cool.

So as I type this, I am half sitting, half laying down on a pile of a blanket, a sweater, a mattress cover and a bedsheet while watching Arrested Development on Netflix. It's 7:18am, and I haven't gone to bed yet as I have apparently gone nocturnal-ish. I love nighttime. Also, my cat Little Socks is with me.

Ok, let's get started for real. 2023 has been the worst year of my life. I can say that with absolute certainty. I have been extremely socially isolated and socially anxious, artistically stagnant in terms of skills and abilities, unable to stop mindlessly consuming junk food, godawfully sedentary, gaining weight slowly but surely, extremely depressed, struggling immensely with ADHD and autism related complications, unable and unwilling to find employment, too lazy to bother getting a driver's license, and pretty stupid with my money as I blew almost all of it on weed from January to August or September or so.

I kind of want to write a super long detailed paragraph or so about each individual point, but I'm sure nobody would read it, and I'm tired as hell and wanting to sleep right now. So I'll just say this. Mental illness has defined this year for me. I realized that in full after a really sucky road trip to New Hampshire this summer. Nobody wanted to do the same things, or was getting along, and it just sucked. Not that it didn't have some nice moments, but overall it wasn't too good.

So as the summer came to a close, I slowly realized I needed help. By October, I got a therapist which is probably the first smart move I made this year. Also, back in September I created this account. It has been a game changer for the last third of this year. 61 people have followed me as of this posting, and (maybe partially as a result) I've felt more of a push to make art and improve my skills and expand my abilities than I've felt in probably more than a year. I really appreciate the kind feedback, and high ratings on my art. It really means the world to me. Because of this new push to make more art and stuff, I've made some strong headway in producing a parody animation of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. I'm mostly done storyboarding now. I've also started doing studies again, and I forgot how good it feels to get just that little bit better at art. Also, discovering new artists here has been quite a pleasure! There are so many talented people on this website it's insane. Oh, also the forums are a lot of fun. Almost forgot to mention that.

Newgrounds is a huge part of why I am feeling genuinely hopeful about 2024. I feel that if I can become really successful here, it could bleed into my real life somehow. And I am confident that I will find success and a place for myself here in the community with some cool friends, since the last 4 months have gone well for me.

Also, as the year is coming to an end, I have naturally reflected upon it and what I could do better next year, and made some new years resolutions. I know a lot of people like to bash them because most of the time they fall through because they're not taken seriously by those who made them, but if someone is sincere with trying to better their lives, be supportive y'know? I hate when people are dicks about them. Like oh yeah you're so edgy and cool for saying that the resolutions are pointless. Fuck off, dude.

So, my feelings entering 2024 are fairly optimistic and hopeful. I sincerely believe that if I make a serious effort to follow through with the resolutions, and make something of myself here, my 2024 will be nothing like the depressing, pitiful year that was my 2023.

If you're reading this, you're awesome, and thank you very much for reading! I wish you all a happy 2024!


Posted by TheBestBroster - December 25th, 2023

Merry Christmas! I've had a decent day today so far, hope you have too. I'm happy with what I got, and I'm looking forward to 2024! I'm happy with what I've accomplished on NG in the last third of 2023, so I bet next year's gonna be super eventful for me as I plan on furthering my art skills heavily, putting out some animated projects, and of course, getting involved in more collabs! Well, good day to you!
